Human Resources Management Education: The Challenging Impacts of Looking Glass Self And Pygmalion Effect

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Nneji Bellarmine


The success of every workforce depends to a large extent on the quality of the human resources available. This quality of the workforce depends on the level of flourishing or 'good-spirted' experience of the workforce. Workers need always to be in 'good spirit' in order to put their optimal. Many things bring about the flourishing of workers which make them put in their best for the success of the organisation. One of such ways is not to downplay the esteem and ego of individual workers. Low self esteem affects the quality of productivity. Managers should be conscious of actions that downplay the self esteem of their workers. This piece is an effort to enlighten those responsible for various workforces to be wary of what is known as the 'looking glass self ' and the 'Pygmalion effect' and their impacts on the self esteem and productivity of their workers. Many managers may be advertently or inadvertently acting in ways that promote these two variables in their organisations. It advised on how to guard against these for the sake of a happy and productive workforce.

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