Organizational Conflict And Innovation As Strategy For Employee Performance

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Ogwuche Gabrie Shaibu,
, Christian .O Njoku


The research examined organizational conflict and innovation as strategy for employee performance. The aim of the study was to examine the concept of conflict, dimensions of conflict, types of organisational conflict, causes of organizational conflict, sources of organizational conflict, stages of organizational conflict, role of organizational conflict, strategies for managing organizational conflict and effect of conflict on employees' performance. The study further revealed that organizational conflict could arise from poor management, communication gap, competition over limited resources, misunderstanding among employees and employer arid that certain types of conflicts, which may have negative effect on individual and group performance may have to be reduced. It also revealed that when conflict is properly managed, the positive effect can be used to encourage organizational innovativeness and build cooperation among the employees. It was recommended by the researchers among others that organizations or enterprises should adopt negotiation/dialogue as a major means of resolving conflicts because it involves both parties coming face to face with each other in order to find solution to confronting issues, management at all levels must ensure that they expand their human resource base in order to have proper control of the working environment that will lead to high productivity and workers' high level of human relations which will in turn reduce conflict and communication is key for the internal and overall functioning of any organization because it integrates the managerial functions.

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