Qualitative Technology Education: A Gate Way for Sustainable National Development

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Christian O. Njoku


The philosophy of any educational programme generally expresses the general believe, attitudes, feelings, norms and ideals underlining the establishment of the programme. Hence the introduction of 6-3-3-4 system of education to address the problem. The purpose of this paper, therefore, is to highlight the importance of quality, standards and performances in technology education and examine the extent to which technology education has embraced quality, standard and performances which, of course will lead to qualitative technology education and sustainable national development. This implies that such educational process should continuously be updated in line with current realities in technological development; to be able to achieve the six-point attributes which technology education for national development possesses. In the field of Office Technology and Management (OTM) for instance, the training given to OTM students does not seem to reflect the wave of digital technology changes, and these have created disparity between what is imparted to OTM students in terms of abilities, competencies and capabilities, vis-àvis the need of industries and other technologically advanced work places. This paper therefore stressed the need to inculcate quality Office Technology and Management (OTM) training programme in the graduates for sustainable national development.

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