Assessment of the Effective Leadership Styles for the Administration or Management of Secondary School System in Kwara State

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Sarafadeen Ayigoro Ibraheem,
. Oduwaiye Prof. Rhoda O


This paper examined the conception of principals' leadership style as correlates of effective management of secondary education in Kwara State. Pragmatically, a principal in secondary school is seen as a leader that other staff member follows. Therefore, a secondary school principal is expected to exert a leadership style that is capable of building a shared sense of direction for the school and inspire school personnel to move in that direction. Further, the continuous search for appropriate leadership theory in education setting has evolved two predominant assertions; the connection between school leadership and teaching-learning process, and distribution of leadership practice among staff. Nevertheless, these assertions have emerged as what is commonly called distributed leadership and learning-centred leadership in several studies. Therefore, the theoretical assumption underpinning this paper is shared instructional leadership theory. Further, these conceptual frameworks were drawn upon and analysed explicatively from educational leadership and management theories and principles. However, emphasising the importance of principals' leadership practice in school system is not an absolute affirmation that leadership is all that matters in the school, but a factual claim that buttresses the conception that an effective educational leadership ensures optimal dedication and commitment of other stakeholders towards achieving the school's vision and missions. Conclusively, this paper complement the comprehension of the socially constructed and multi-faceted phenomena of shared instructional leadership as essential social practices that influence school effectiveness. Also, principals while applying shared instructional leadership practices should ensure adequate involvement of staff members in planning and decision making process.

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