Women Participation in Institutional Management in Nigeria: Challenges and Coping Strategies

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R. O. Oduwaiye
A. T. Alabi


With increased awareness on the need to empower women, involvement of women in
politics and management of institutions has increased. However, there is still a wide
global gap. This paper examines the extent of women's participation in political systems
and educational institutional management. The challenges of gender equity in women's
participation such as time demands, unequal opportunities, sexual harassment,
occupational segregation, political under-representation and poverty are examined. For
women to be able to cope with these challenges, strategies such as educational
empowerment, time management, poverty alleviation and provision of supports are

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How to Cite
Oduwaiye, R. O., & Alabi, A. T. (2022). Women Participation in Institutional Management in Nigeria: Challenges and Coping Strategies. International Journal of Educational Management, 7(1). Retrieved from https://ijem.org.ng/index.php/ijem/article/view/152